Nos Partenaires : Expertise, Expérience, Crédibilité et Engagement
Nos Partenaires : Expertise, Expérience, Crédibilité et Engagement
Au sein d'Antal France, plus de 20 cabinets de recrutement spécialisés, nos consultants possèdent une formation académique robuste ainsi qu'une expérience pratique significative. Ils proviennent de cursus techniques (ingénieur, Master) ou commerciaux, souvent enrichis par un MBA.
Ils ont plus de 15 ans d'expérience dans un domaine spécifique. Cela leur permet de bien comprendre les défis du recrutement executif.
Un Parcours International et Managérial – Recrutement par approche directe
Nos partenaires ont une vaste expérience à l'international, un atout essentiel dans un environnement de plus en plus globalisé. Leur parcours les a menés à occuper des postes clés dans le management général, la gestion de Business Units, les ressources humaines, le développement commercial, et la gestion des P&L.
Cette diversité les aide à comprendre les recherches des cadres supérieurs. Elle leur permet aussi de proposer aux clients les meilleurs candidats. Ces candidats sont adaptés aux besoins de chaque secteur.
Collaborer avec un bureau de recrutement specialisé
Analyse Personnalisée :
Trouver le candidat idéal peut être complexe. Nous nous engageons à comprendre en profondeur votre secteur, votre entreprise, votre équipe et votre situation spécifique. Chaque mission de recherche est entièrement personnalisée pour répondre à vos objectifs et besoins particuliers.
Expertise Sectorielle :
Avec une expertise pointue dans divers secteurs, nous sommes prêts à répondre à toutes vos demandes, que ce soit pour recruter un expert aux compétences spécialisées ou un cadre supérieur avec une solide expérience en leadership.
Développement et Recrutement :
Nous vous aidons à identifier et à développer les talents internes tout en vous mettant en relation avec les meilleurs candidats externes. Que vous créiez un nouveau poste, remplaciez un titulaire ou entrepreniez des changements importants, nous offrons une nouvelle perspective pour soutenir vos besoins en recrutement.
Réseau Global et National
Antal dispose de 20 bureaux spécialisés, chacun avec une expertise propre. Nous collaborons étroitement pour vous fournir une approche agile et parfaitement adaptée à vos besoins de recrutement.
Nos expertises mises au service du recrutement
Expertise en quelques chiffres
Plus de 15 années d'expérience spécialisée dans le recrutement en France.
Un réseau de plus de 20 bureaux spécialisés, couvrant diverses industries.
Partenariat établi avec les 100 plus grandes entreprises françaises, offrant des solutions de recrutement sur mesure.
Plus de 500 cadres supérieurs placés, contribuant à façonner le leadership au sein des organisations.
Expertise en recrutement à l'échelle européenne et mondiale, intervenant dans plus de 20 pays.
Une vision entrepreneuriale et une adaptabilité remarquables.
Passionnés par le monde de l’entreprise, nos partenaires partagent une vision entrepreneuriale qui les pousse à saisir chaque opportunité de développement. Ils recherchent des solutions innovantes et adaptatives, avec une ambition forte de croissance pour leurs clients.
Leur capacité à négocier, leur agilité face aux imprévus, leur résilience et leur aisance dans l'analyse des profils sont des qualités qui les distinguent et assurent la réussite des missions confiées.
Trouver le candidat idéal peut être complexe. Nous comprenons en profondeur votre secteur, votre entreprise, votre équipe et votre situation spécifique. Chaque mission de recherche est entièrement personnalisée pour répondre à vos objectifs et besoins particuliers.
Le Client au Centre des Préoccupations
Nos partenaires sont avant tout des professionnels passionnés par le développement des relations humaines et la mise en réseau. Ils placent toujours le client au centre de leurs préoccupations, tout en veillant à accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur carrière professionnelle.
Une expertise métier, une expérience approfondie dans des environnements business internationaux, apportent une réelle valeur ajoutée dans un monde de plus en plus compétitif et interconnecté.
Nos managing Partners specialisés
Mathias Cescousse
Aeronautics, Spatial & defense
Mathias Cescousse
Aeronautics, Spatial & defense
Laurent Solomé
Laurent Solomé
Laurent SOLOME is an Industrial Engineering Engineer (EIGSI class of 98) and for 15 years held operational management positions in companies such as SNC-LAVALIN, ENGIE, FAURECIA, etc. He has notably been Tier 1 Plant Manager, Managing Director and Director of European Development, which gives him extensive experience in the field and in-depth knowledge of the automotive and rail businesses. His varied background enables him to have a strong technical and managerial culture.
Pascal Dutfoy
Automotive, Urban Mobility
Pascal Dutfoy
Automotive, Urban Mobility
Hervé Nabet
Managing Partner - Automotive, Yachting, Luxury
Hervé Nabet
Managing Partner - Automotive, Yachting, Luxury
Salah Rakibi
Banking & Finance
Salah Rakibi
Banking & Finance
Executive Research
In Banking, Insurance & Finance
Pierre-Yves Lorand
Beauty, cosmetics, personal care
Pierre-Yves Lorand
Beauty, cosmetics, personal care
With more than 20 years as Senior Executive in international business, including almost 10 years as C.O.O in skincare industry, Pierre-Yves has a successful proven track record in leadership, strategy, business development, marketing & sales, coaching, change management, hiring in different regions, familiar with multicultural and cross functional environment. He has also successfully launched B2C and BtoB websites in the cosmetics industry.
Philip Waterhouse
Fashion and Beauty
Philip Waterhouse
Fashion and Beauty
Jane Deng
Biochemicals & Composites
Jane Deng
Biochemicals & Composites
Jane DENG, executive recruiter, native from China, with MBA specialized in marketing and master’s degree in polymer science, has 10 years working experiences in chemical – Composite FRP industry. Have worked as R&D engineer, product manager and business development manager in multinational company. She focuses on sectors such as R&D, project and product management for industry. Having worked in both Shanghai and Paris, Jane provides the clients with more international vision. She has wide connection with talents from US, China and other Asia countries.
Arnaud Sportouch
Biochemicals & composites
Arnaud Sportouch
Biochemicals & composites
Managing Partner - Senior Executive Recruiter | Biochemicals & Composite specialist
Arnaud SPORTOUCH, executive recruiter, native French, has more than 25 years' experience in multinational chemical industry ASLAND PERFORMANCE MATERIAL, as a global business/Product director. He has an Engineer degree in plastic/thermoset process as well as an executive business MBA program in Marketing & Strategy at Kellogg (School of Management) of Northwestern University. He has extensive experiences in leadership, strategy, business development, marketing & sales in different regions. Furthermore, working with professionals globally he is very familiar with a multicultural working environment. He could help the enterprises to recruit in regions with different cultures.
Olivier De Parisot
Building, Infrastructure & Energy
Real Estate & Construction
Olivier De Parisot
Building, Infrastructure & Energy
Real Estate & Construction
Managing Partner - Senior Executive Recruiter | Real Estate & Construction
Alain Thimonier
commodity and Specialty Chemicals
Alain Thimonier
commodity and Specialty Chemicals
Jean-Marc Van de Kerkhove
Energy and Ecological Transition
Jean-Marc Van de Kerkhove
Energy and Ecological Transition
Jean-Marc VANDEKERKHOVE Managing Partner Discover the talents of the energy and ecological transition: +33 607 842 648 | [email protected]
Jean-Marc VANDEKERKHOVE, PhD, has dedicated 35 years of his professional life to environmental protection. Within a large international group, in France and abroad (Spain, Japan, Saudi Arabia), Jean-Marc has developed activities in new businesses and by innovating in organisations, with a constant concern for sustainable growth. Since 2012, Jean-Marc revealed his taste for entrepreneurship with the creation of a consulting company specialised in strategy and business transfer and is still active, then co-founding two start-ups dedicated to the development of disruptive technologies related to sustainable development. In 2020, Jean-Marc joined the ANTAL network to develop the "environmental services and renewable energy" activities.
Cedric Deon
Energy and Environement
Cedric Deon
Energy and Environement
Frédéric Lassale
Engineering and Construction
Frédéric Lassale
Engineering and Construction
Frédéric is an Engineer of the Polytechnic Engineering School of Montpellier (specialized in infrastructures and water sciences) with a strong “25 years” experience of management in different engineering companies (BRL Ingénierie, TPF Group) specialized in Building, Infrastructures, Water and Environnement. He started his career as Project Manager and he successively held positions as Business Development Manager, Commercial Director, General Manger and CEO. He has profound experiences in leadership, strategy, business development, marketing & sales in different regions worldwide (Africa, Europe, China), familiar with multicultural working environment. Including ability to deal with a wide range of people of different background and culture, in a caring and professional manner.
Florence Schlegel
IT Digital Transformation & Risk Management
Florence Schlegel
IT Digital Transformation & Risk Management
Marie-Hélène Carrel
IT & Software Editors
Marie-Hélène Carrel
IT & Software Editors
Marie-Hélène is a Senior Recruiter specialised in IT.
From IT managers and experts across sectors to Sales and Marketing, Finance or General Managers in the IT industry.
She started her career with HP where she stayed over 10 years and then joined several large international software companies such as IBM, Progress Software and Opentext. She also worked with small start-ups.
Marie-Hélène held various responsibility roles at national and international level, from Key Account Manager to VP Sales and Marketing and Country Director.
She has developed a strong knowledge and vision of the market, as well as an extensive network.
Over the years, she has built loyal and pragmatic candidate/clients relationships, with a deep sense of trust and integrity.
Marie-Hélène graduated from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce d'Amiens-Picardie after a preparation HEC and is bilingual French/English.
Gilles Rochas
Petrochemicals, Chemicals
Gilles Rochas
Petrochemicals, Chemicals
Laurent Suspène
specialty & Commodity Chemicals
Laurent Suspène
specialty & Commodity Chemicals
Laurent Suspène, Managing Partner of Antal International in Bordeaux office.
I have a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and more than 25 years working internationally at executive level in the Chemical industry. I have a vast experience in Management, R&D, Production, Sales & Marketing, Business Development as well as M&A and restructuration.
I have lived and worked in multinational as well as privately owned companies in different countries and regions of the world: France, USA, Spain, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Shanghai and I am quite familiar with practices and cultural differences.
I have a deep understanding of the different roles one can find in a chemical company because at one point of time or another, I either occupied it myself or I have directly managed people in that position. Over the years, I have had to recruit myself many people for a lot of different positions and with the support of the Antal International Network I am totally confident with the fact that I can help companies improve their fortune by hiring the right individuals they need to be successful.
Philippe Bildé
Telecom IT Tech & Green
Philippe Bildé
Telecom IT Tech & Green